This workshop, focused on the phenomenon of human breathing, will be dedicated to designing a collective audio piece where each of participants will become an instrument or perhaps a sound vessel and will be asked to have recorded the sound of one’s breathing.Depending on the character and the dynamic of the cohort, there shall be a several scenarios of this process, in order to produce and secure enough of as much diversified material as possible.Ideally this project will be targeting such theme as unspoken experimental storytelling, body memory, unconsciousness and balance.
1. カフェスペース(待機場所)からギャラリー(録音場所)へ移動。ギャラリーの真ん中に向かい合わせで椅子が2脚置かれている。
2. 片方の椅子に座って目を閉じ、緑について考えながら呼吸をする。*その間、もう片方の椅子にPioが座り、iphoneで呼吸音を録音する。
3. カフェスペースに戻り、録音された呼吸を聞きながらディスカッションをする。
4. 再度ギャラリーへ移動。
5. 片方の椅子に座って目を閉じ、今度は赤に緑が侵食されるのを想像しながら、呼吸をする。*その間、もう片方の椅子にPioが座り、iphoneで呼吸音を録音する。
6. カフェスペースに戻り、録音された呼吸を聞きながらディスカッションをする。
*当日ピョトルは英語で参加者へ語り、必要に応じて通訳が行われました。その場のやりとりのリズム感や雰囲気を重視した内容になっています。会話の中の翻訳部分は《 》で示されています。
Pio | My name is Pio. Only Pio, ‘san’…no. I’m an anarchist, and I try not to use the san, sama or other honorific suffixes. I refuse hierarchy. The goal of this whole program is to address the notion of protest, as well as the idea of resistance against the system, and the system itself is based on hierarchy. In this project, I will refer to my own methodology, which is very much low budget, DIY, hit and run and quick and dirty, which are very improvised methodologies, and often uses just the material that is in very close proximity.
《 私の名前はPio。Pioだけで。さん、様、その他の敬称は使わないで欲しい。私はアナーキストで、ヒエラルキーを拒絶している。このプロジェクトの目標は、抗議の概念と、システムへの抵抗に取り組むことで、システムはヒエラルキーに基づいている。今回は、私自身の手法である「低予算、素早く雑に、DIYで、打って走る(Low Budget, Quick and Dirty, Do It Yourself and Hit and Run)」のアプローチを参照しながら取り組んでいく。とても即興的な手法であり、主に身近にある素材を活用する。》
The idea for this workshop is not really to teach you to produce anything. The thing that I care about the most, is how, in the process of the workshop environment, by practising contemporary art we can change the way we think and the way you see the world.
I have been long thinking, what is the most primal, most basic manifestation of your protest? I came to the conclusion that it is just your presence. Yourself, either as an individual, or you as a huge crowd, being present in a given place for a given reason, is often enough for the protest, especially for the protest in the public space.Then I thought what is the simplest way of showing the presence, and also what – conceptually wise – is the manifestation of human presence?
I figured the simplest form of manifesting your existence is just breathing. I mean, we breathe, just as we exist. So then the idea of breathing became the core for this workshop and for the project of mine.
So, today we will start working, in an entirely abstract way. The really important component is that I will record you with an iphone. I find it more appropriate for the idea of mass protest, improvisation or emotion, to be recorded with the tools that are mundane and casual. And after each recording, after each single time, we’ll come back here and play the recording to hear it out and have a short discussion to see whether it has triggered anything in your mind. And you know, over and over again.
◉ 作業中の参加者とピヨの会話
《Rather than imagining the pure colour itself, I still imagine it visually. I’m a little unsure whether I should only think of the pure colour, or whether it is ok to think of something related to the colour. If you have a specification, please do.》
Pio|I mean, I cannot answer this question. My goal is to give you a hint, which is just this green colour. How you think about green, it’s up to you. I’m giving you just like the very most necessary information. I’m really glad that you asked this question, because the part when you ‘think’ is actually the most important part of your creativity.
《I’ve recorded the sound of my breathing before, but it was hard to breathe naturally when you’re aware that you’re being recorded.》
《Everyone is breathing, but the way they breathe shows the age, and purity of your mind, I think. There’s a difference between trying to breathe and breathing just naturally.》
《I recorded two times and the sound didn’t register well, so I probably felt that I had to at least ‘try’ to get it in. So I was thinking about the details of breathing, like whether it would go in if I took a deep breath or if it would go in if I opened my mouth. So my breathing sounds unnatural. I am embarrassed with my unnatural breathing.》
Pio | That also highlights how thinking changes in a given setups.
《breathing is quite private》
《It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I think a person’s humanity comes out in the way they breathe.》
Pio | Now, it’s the time for red. That green part was important because it was kind of like a reason for the red part. What I would like to ask you now is, keep in mind the idea of red, try to imagine all of those things that you thought about while thinking about green being destroyed. Red, right? The idea of danger but built on the idea of the green that we have just worked with.
Pio | I think red gives you this feeling of danger, or something stressful coming. Compared to green, did you feel that kind of stress?
《I felt more stress in the green part, since it was my first go, and I was the first one.》
《In this case, it doesn’t matter if the colour is red or green, does it? Since he felt more stress in the green part.》
Pio | It doesn’t work this way. I have already mentioned the idea of green to you. The mind is already set up for the green. So, even if it seems that it doesn’t make a difference, it is different. It’s kind of superficial that it doesn’t make a difference.
《I think no one will know what is happening in the unconscious area. To tell you the truth, I’m working pretty hard on imagining the colours, and I’m also working hard on breathing, so I’m a bit confused as to how much of it is assigned to one or the other.》
《I feel that there are some forced interpretations. But maybe he doesn’t want us to go into it too much.》
《I think it’s fine. Keep on asking. It’s also possible that I’m not translating exactly what Pio is saying.》
《Perhaps we have different ways of thinking. I think the difference also comes from our cultural background. In the ’Japanese’ sense, I don’t think I would categorise red as anger and green as peacefulness so easily.》
《For me, red is not just a negative colour. Pio said that it is an aggressive, stressful colour maybe to make comparison with the green colour, but I feel it is a warm colour.》
Pio | To me it almost seems that you didn’t think about red. It seems like redness didn’t overtake the green.
《I was thinking about a scene of destruction from a movie, 》
Pio | It basically means that you are a green person.
《Things that I’m thinking in my head and my body reactions are separated, maybe.》
Pio|Maybe he is just like a very methodological person and he doesn’t get affected by the emotions. I would say that both ways, green and red, he was taking control over these images.His breathing was also very much controlled.
《If I was told to breathe in an angry manner, I would have acted like that.》
《Is it acting or breathing after all?》
《I think both.》
Pio | When you think about the protests, you need to have a person that is put together, that is in control, like you. At the moment, we hear a more free, improvised breathing. Your breathing shows almost no difference, and the sole act of breathing puts it all together. It’s like an anchor point.
Pio | So, the recording session is over. From my side, I have to tell you that this is probably the best workshop I have ever had in my life. And I think that this is also the most important one for my research and for my art practice. Sometimes it’s enough even not to do anything. Just to breathe can be enough. This is equally important, if not more important than actual production. And that was my idea for this particular workshop. For contemporary art practice, especially experimental contemporary art practice, you may just need your own body. You don’t need to produce anything, unless you want to.
It also doesn’t not necessarily have to be something controversial. Everyone can do controversial stuff. It’s not difficult. It’s just like, you see the policeman and spit in his face. That’s super easy. I do that all the time. The workshop we just finished was not controversial at all. It was very conceptual, very much rooted in anthropology and in the social sciences as it referred to ideas of public spaces, public response, responsible public actions and finally the protest itself. Which all I think is very important in the current state of global politics.
《How are you going to use the two recorded breaths?》
Pio | I’m going to compile them into one track and use them in the upcoming exhibition in January.
《 これらの録音を1つのトラックにまとめて、1月の展覧会で使用するつもり。》
参加者|So do you consider your work to be the process itself?
Pio | For me, there is no hierarchy between process and the final product. Sometimes I choose a process and just stay there. Sometimes I choose both, process and the result. Sometimes I decide at the end just to get rid of the result and stay with the process. For example with this workshop, the idea is to wrap the breaths up and have a show. But if we don’t do a show, that’s also fine with me. Because contemporary art has already happened.Are you satisfied with the workshop?
《It’s too abstract to understand yet.》
Pio | That’s very important information for me, because it proves that we have to deliver the show.
《 それは私にとって非常に重要な意見だ。その言葉によって展示を行う必然性が出てきたからね。》
《 When I think about resistance against society, there are staffs that you don’t need to resist. The word ‘resisting against society’ has a quite wide range of meaning, so I was wondering if there is a more specific, focussed image towards this idea. If you resist everything, things will not get along. For example, today’s gathering is a place where we can work together because there is a certain degree of mutual respect. But resistance has a very broad meaning and is of course negative, yes. It’s a word that creates friction. Breathing is something very primitive, something that shows your presence but linking it to the act of resistance, it can also be seen as creating friction in a place where there is no fliction.》
Pio | It’s not that we have to resist. It’s more like sometimes we should be aware that we can resist. You know the world nowadays is not working, obviously. It definitely ain’t a nice place. You need to disagree with what is going on around you sometimes. Furthermore, you need to show some of your disagreement sometimes. It is also interesting to have this conversation in Japan, keeping in mind that it is pretty secure here. It’s pretty safe. But it’s not really the case with the so-called outside world. I mean, the world has not been functioning well for quite a while, so I think that we have to resist. And being present sometimes is enough to show this protest.
《 I am wondering why we should connect the act of resisting to being present. 》
Pio| I don’t know if I can answer that question.I feel that protest is a first stage of creativity itself and also like a first stage of own development. Because in order to develop, to advance as a human being or as a society, you naturally have to disagree with the current state. If you don’t like the cold, you protest to the government that you don’t have enough gas or fuel or whatsoever because you want to get warm. To create something, to imagine something, to make a step forward, you start from protesting. And usually the idea of protest is targeting the system that is controlling you. Myself and you, if we don’t agree, it’s a disagreement. Disagreement – at least in my opinion – on ontological level has more of a horizontal mechanics. In the case of myself and the system, there exists a structure where we are placed under the control of the system, so it is a protest.
Pio | What was interesting from my perspective is that by using this iphone, I was kind of invading your private space. Because the phone was very close to you. That was actually me being oppressive. I was wondering whether you would protest against myself recording you.
参加者|So the act of closing the eyes was kind of showing the protest.
Pio | There you go, and sometimes that’s enough. I really enjoy this comment.
《This way of protesting seems very ‘Japanese’ in my opinion.》
Pio | Sometimes it can be protest, but it can also mean turning away to not look at the reality.
ピョトル・ブヤク|Piotr Bujak
1982年生まれ。東京とクラクフ在住。映像、インスタレーション、立体、テキストなど多様な技法を用いて制作を行う。アクティビストでもある。ヤン・マテイコ美術アカデミー(クラクフ、ポーランド)とサンフランシスコ・アート・インスティチュート卒業。対抗的パンク文化、ミニマリズム、コンセプチュアリズム、ネオ・アヴァンギャルド、批評的言説に関心をもつ。「低予算、素早く雑に、DIYで、打って走る(Low Budget, Quick and Dirty, Do It Yourself and Hit and Run)」を戦略としつつ、新自由主義の病理、暴力、同一性、文化や政治領域と関連する作品を制作している。