Inspired by public demonstrations and similar civic activities and their performative and cultural character, participants during this workshop will be asked to design (collectively and individually) abstract banners and other accessories typical for manifestations. The main goal of this project is to decontextualize and study ideas of support and protest, especially in reference to the concept of crowd/mass, its language and aesthetics as well as its socio-political angle and anthropological significance.




◉ 作業中の参加者とピヨの会話

*当日ピョトルは英語で参加者へ語り、必要に応じて通訳が行われました。その場のやりとりのリズム感や雰囲気を重視した内容になっています。会話の中の翻訳部分は《  》で示されています。

Pio|In a protest you usually manifest or stand against some particular issue, however in a demonstration, you could also show support. And I feel that when it comes to a more abstract designing process, you have to have somewhat more emotional clarity whether you resist or support something.

Pio | Normally, when you go to demonstrations, there are lots of casual words and regular signs with dedicated phrases, but it actually can get quite limiting. Sometimes it is convenient – in the cognitive process – to figure out a strategy to express one’s statement (or stand) without using the actual language. That also allows us to re-evaluate a given problem from a different angle.

◉ 作業中の参加者とピヨの会話

《Do you have to make it abstract so that it cannot be compared to something? 》

Pio | As abstract as you can go.

Pio|Hangers are interesting. In Poland, three years ago, the ruling party had extremely limited access to legal abortion. The bill regulating that case was very strict. Shortly after this law became effective, there were mass demonstrations all over Poland to show support with oppressed women and this particularly inhuman policy. One of the main prop/item used by demonstration participants were hangers. Back in the days in Central Europe hangers – especially those made of wire – were used as one of the most popular and DIY tools to terminate the pregnancy by oneself. In 2019 people who went to the streets used such hangers as a symbol.

《Is there a religious influence behind the ban on abortion?》

Pio|Yes, it has been significantly affected by religious propaganda. But in my opinion it is mainly the conservative, right-wing state agenda to hold even more control over people. Fortunately after elections in Poland three weeks ago, the tendency of the current, newly elected government is quite directly opposite, making it reasonable to hopefully go out with the hangers in a way altered, like colouring it pink or rainbow etc., to show support to a possible more “liberal” turn in that matter.

Pio | Sometimes, a very basic gesture is enough. It can create a necessary context, even if it is as simple as just colouring the object. It can become less critical in a direct sense and emotionally negative/aggressive, but more like expressing a hope that things can change. In my research, I am really interested in this kind of gestures, recontextualising one’s presence in a public space and eventually the idea of “resisting/resistance” itself.

Pio | The context and the meaning of a protest gives a possibility to change the reading of an item into something completely different. The thing is, a seemingly neutral object doesn’t have to be neutral. The idea of its reappropriation by a public demonstration and protest can totally change that.

《 Maybe it will be nice if you try to put some ribbon on this hanger.》

Pio|If that’s expressing your thoughts, go ahead.

Pio | We call it `tulips`. Because, it looks like a tulip when it’s cracked. It’s kind of a deadly weapon.You use it for serious street fights.

《During the Anpo tōsō, I saw people throwing rocks and sticks on TV, but I don’t remember seeing many bottles like this (tulip).》

Pio | Maybe you used bottles when you made Molotov cocktails—which is like a very simple grenade.

《Nowadays, you need permissions from the police to demonstrate.》

Pio|Yes. We also asked for permission when we had a demonstration in front of the Polish embassy in Japan, about the law prohibiting abortion.

《Do you need permission in Poland too?》

Pio|Theoretically we do. I mean it’s kind of like a grey area. Sometimes the city needs to protect the people attending the demonstration. But often protests and demos just happen naturally, in a very grass-root, unorchestrated way. Obviously one might get arrested if the event would have been considered to have gone too far, but this risk is also a crucial part of the whole thing.

《It might be nice if we could have a walk holding these props that we have just created.》

Pio | That will be the best! We can change it to the performative action. Let’s walk around Koganei.

《No one will know what this is all about, since it doesn’t have words on it. So we don’t need permission to do the demonstration.》

Pio | No one will know if it’s Matsuri (Japanese festival) or demonstration or whatever. It is interesting.When you think about it, Matsuri is very similar to the idea of demonstration. It’s just that Matsuri is usually rather affirmative. But they are also based on a crowd marching from point A to point B, just like a demonstration.

《 What’s the meaning of your red tattoo?》

Pio|It doesn’t have a meaning, but it has inspiration. You know that I come from a very punk, anarchist background. Not even as an artist, but as a citizen, or as an individual. I care a lot about minorities, people excluded and so on. This one is largely inspired by the immune disease. In Central Europe, HIV virus, AIDS are still rendered as a huge stigma. When you get infected with AIDS, skin changes colour in a random manner. And usually it becomes red or violet. And to some degree, this is kind of an aestheticized AIDS variation.

Pio|How was it today?

《It was quite difficult. I overthink sometimes.》

Pio | Sometimes, you just need to work αt your own pace. Pretty often I used to get quite paralyzed by thinking.

《The speed of Pio producing things was amazing. If you are not knowledgeable, you can’t produce output. You can only output if you have inputs.》

《We all think about various things in our daily lives. So things that we think in our daily lives will be the output I think.》

Pio | Look at this work. You have just pierced the cardboard. That’s sometimes really enough. Usually people try their best to produce a single element and it can consume a lot of time. And that is not a completely wrong approach, as I don’t really believe in such an idea as a “completely wrong approach”, but since I am producing a lot of things next to you, you may get inspired by my actions. By doing this work together, you might get affected and apply my strategy to your own way of making artworks. If you compare the ones that you made at the beginning and the ones that you made towards the end it is clear. And it becomes also clear by looking at my works, that I got influenced by you pretty much as well.


ピョトル・ブヤク|Piotr Bujak
1982年生まれ。東京とクラクフ在住。映像、インスタレーション、立体、テキストなど多様な技法を用いて制作を行う。アクティビストでもある。ヤン・マテイコ美術アカデミー(クラクフ、ポーランド)とサンフランシスコ・アート・インスティチュート卒業。対抗的パンク文化、ミニマリズム、コンセプチュアリズム、ネオ・アヴァンギャルド、批評的言説に関心をもつ。「低予算、素早く雑に、DIYで、打って走る(Low Budget, Quick and Dirty, Do It Yourself and Hit and Run)」を戦略としつつ、新自由主義の病理、暴力、同一性、文化や政治領域と関連する作品を制作している。